3 advantages of adopting an intelligent price adjuster

1. Benefit from real-time price updates 

As a telecom operator or integrator, the list of tasks to be accomplished is long, especially in the absence of automated processes. To stay competitive, you need to be sharp, especially when one of the key competitive levers revolves around price. The key advantage of the intelligent price adjuster is precisely its responsiveness! It enables you to update your margins according to price variations from your preferred suppliers. This flexibility means you're never left behind, and customers are more inclined to choose a responsive telecom operator whose rates are more advantageous or aligned with market rates. 

2. Boost your sales and save your efforts

By automating your price updates, you free up valuable time and resources to grow your business. Your sales teams no longer need to spend hours monitoring price variations operated by infrastructure operators and manually modifying tariffs. Instead, they can concentrate on more strategic, value-added tasks, such as developing new offers and building customer loyalty.

3. Maintain your profitability

Using intelligent pricing, you can quickly create catalogs with customized prices for different customer segments and product types. This allows you to better control and secure your sales margins according to the specific needs and preferences of each customer group.

Define your margins according to your purchasing costs, product type and/or the infrastructure network supplier of your choice. The Price Adjuster reacts in real time whenever one of your suppliers changes its price. The Price Adjuster not only keeps your prices competitive, it also helps you maximize your profit margins. This enables you to achieve the best possible profit.

💡 Good to know

The intelligent price adjuster is an integral part of the Netwo solution's sales universe. Much more than a telecoms marketplace, Netwo can also support you in the resale of your telecoms products and services as a truly comprehensive, 100% SaaS information system. Our aim? To simplify
your business while managing the integration between the various connectivity providers and your various tools.

With Netwo, you can :

- build sales catalogs based on telecom products and services purchased on the Netwo marketplace or from your own catalog,
automatically set and adjust your prices,
- benefit from a turnkey eligibility tool that queries your pre-built catalogs,
- provide your sales staff and/or business customers with a tool for ordering telecom products and services,
- monitor deployments,
- supervise active services,
- exchange with your infrastructure suppliers and customers (after-sales service),
- view billing data.

Contact us

How does the automatic price adjuster determine my selling price?

When you use the Netwo sales module, you immediately benefit from the intelligent pricing option.

The automatic price adjuster helps you set a price. So that you can keep an eye on price changes and make sure they match your pricing strategy, you set :

  • relative margin (multiplier coefficient),
  • additional fixed margin (in €/month),
  • price rounding,
  • incremental margin: enter the purchase price interval (€/month), the margin and the format.

You can modulate margins on service access fees (non-recurring) and subscription fees (recurring).

In all cases, you'll have an overview of your product's selling prices, so you can immediately see how your pricing strategy is working in practice.

At any time, if the price is not to your liking, you can modify your data in the section dedicated to customizing the sales prices of the product concerned

Things to remember

In conclusion, using a price adjuster in the telecoms sector offers a multitude of advantages. It enables you to react instantly, to be competitive, to boost sales while reducing the time spent on adjustments, to achieve the best profit and to quickly create tailor-made catalogs for your customers. To stay ahead in this competitive market, find out how Netwo can help you.

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